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In Asebal we manufacture all Vehicle Restraint Systems (VRS) required by those countries where the CE marking is not yet widespread. For this reason, we adapt to the national regulations of each of these countries, manufacturing the systems they need and standardizing them with the relevant institution in each case:

We cite as an example some of the countries in which these different standards are used (some of them also share these standards with CE marking):

• Peru: Metal barriers manufactured according to AASHTO M-180 standard.

• Colombia: Railings and accessories manufactured according to Standards AASHTOM-180 /NTC3755 and NTC-3783.

• Bolivia: Metal barriers manufactured according to the standard of the Bolivian Institute of Standardization and Quality (Ibnorca) NB-165002.

• Chile: Traffic barriers manufactured according to the MOP Highway Manual. Chilean Standard Nch 2032. National Defence. These and other standards control the type of steel, mechanical characteristics, geometries of the parts, thickness of the base material, galvanized thicknesses, etc. All these controls are performed on the individual components that make up the various containment systems.

In all these cases, both the application criteria and the manuals or installation processes are performed following the guidelines given by the road holders: The Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru (MTC), The Ministry of Public Works of Chile (MOP), the Ministry of Public Works and Communications of Paraguay (MOPC), National Infrastructure Agency of Colombia (ANI), Bolivia Highway Administration (ABC).

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