Performance evaluation and Classification of Motorcyclist Protection Systems in Vehicle Restraint Systems.
From January 1st, 2011 it is mandatory for all vehicle restraint systems installed permanently on the roads of Spain to have the marking, and in the case of being provided with Motorcyclist Protection System, to hold the Certification with the UNE 135900 as well.
To obtain such Certification, it is necessary to proceed in accordance with the specifications of the harmonized standard EN-1317 and the Spanish standard UNE 135900. These standards classify and evaluate the performance of vehicle restraint systems with Motorcyclist Protection Systems by means of full-scale crash tests and impacts with dummies (similar to motorcyclists) respectively.
UNE 135900 standard aims to define the guarantees that protect motorcyclists, the most vulnerable road users. It defines the terms in the field of Motorcyclist Protection Systems (MPS), describes the test procedure and acceptance criteria, and classifies them.
Necessary requirements to obtain the CE Marking:
The MPS must comply with two full-scale tests with biomechanically accurate dummies, one with trajectory against the post, and another with trajectory against the mid-span (between posts). Similarly, they must pass the full-scale crash tests for vehicles of 4-or-more wheels, according to the requirements of the harmonized standard EN 1317.

The impact speed for the test can be of 60 or 70 km/h.
Once the two tests with dummies have been passed, the system must also be tested according to the standard UNE EN 1317 as restraint system for vehicles of 4-or-more wheels.
Acceptance Criteria:- Biomechanical Parameters (forces and moments) below the limits.
- No pieces over 2kg shall be detached from MPS.
- The dummy shall not get snagged in MPS.
- The dummy shall not suffer breakages or cuts.
- No part of the dummy shall overpass the MPS.
The MPS must be installed under conditions similar to those applied in the test and complying with the specifications in the Manufacturer’s Installation Manual.
Asebal has the Aenor N Mark granted by the Spanish Association for standardization and certification for all its MPS models and obtained according to the requirements stated in the UNE 135900 and CE Marking UNE EN 1317.